Friday, November 27, 2009

Some Tips to Selct Wedding Dress For You

Wedding is such an occasion that it comes only ones in a women’s life. For such a special occasion you need to have special preparation. Such as your wedding dress should be special one , so that you looks likes a princess. If what will catch the people eye in your wedding first it will be your wedding dress, so that’s what the impotence of your wedding dress is in your wedding.

Wedding dress is such an important part of a woman’s preparation for her wedding day, that woman ‘s tend to start their preparation for wedding a quite long time before their marriage. A beautifully designed wedding dress is what any bride will want. For such a special occasion you need to have a wedding dress that will suit you. But that’s not a easy job, its a tedious job. There are different types of wedding gowns or dresses and most of them are very beautiful along with the cost factor. But when you have a lot’s of option, then it can become very confusing for you to choose the wedding dress. Keeping in mind all these aspects, it might become very tough for you to select the right designer wedding dress. Here I am sharing some tips that can be helpful for you to choose Wedding Dress.

Keep Yourself Updated with the Latest Trends with Magazines and the Internet.

Magazine and internet can prove to be good source when it comes to choosing Wedding dress for you.Magazine and internet can give you some tips for the selection of your wedding dress.. There are magazines for different designer wedding dresses and from these magazines you can make a selection of few of your favourite dresses. Even internet can also prove to be a handy source.There are websites also offering you with great ideas on wedding dresses. You can take the help of these sources for choosing a wedding dress.

Don’t ignore the Comfort. Look for a comfortable Wedding Dress.

When you look in the magazine or search on the internet for the wedding dresses, you will see a los of very pretty dresses. You can select a wedding dress after you have spotted it in a magazine or on the Internet or in any shop. But before buying any Wedding Dress, consider your Comfort first, wedding is not a short occasion, so you have to wear a dress in which you will be comfortable. Before buying any Dress, always consider your comfort level with the dress. Your comfort with the dress depends on the season, fabric and size. For example, if it is winter then it is advisable to choose a wedding dress with sleeves. Laces are always very beautiful and attractive but make sure that they don't touch your skin all the time as they might be irritating after few hours. Always buy the wedding dress of your size. Don't try to fit into a smaller size dress just to look a little slimmer. It is always better to wear a comfortable dress when it is a matter of many hours.

Choose A Wedding Ring that Suits Your Body Type

When you are going to buy your wedding Dress, always consider your body type.Make sure that the wedding dress which you choose suits your body shape. If your body has an hourglass shape, then an off shoulder or a strapless dress will be perfect for you. Again those who have pear shaped bodies can go for puffy or padded sleeves. Brides with pear shaped bodies should avoid full length skirts and body hugging dresses. Off shoulder or Cinderella dresses will go with those having a short petite body. Beaded wedding dresses with long skirts and sleeves are suitable for those having a square figure.

Budget for you Dress.

Budgeting is also as important as other factors discussed above. Plan out a Wedding dress that suits your Budget. Fix your budget before you choose your Wedding Dress. Planning your budget for Wedding Dress can prove very handy and helpful. You need also have to give some special time for your wedding Dress, as you need to study about a lot many designs and many Dresses available. Don’t consider Dresses those are out of your Budget, because it can ruin your other planning. It is not necessary that an expensive gown is better than the others. To get a beautiful wedding dress within your budget, you can opt for such shops that give discounts on sales. So, plan your budget first and then start hunting for the dress for that very special day.

There are different types of wedding dresses each with different designs, colors, materials, add ones and length. Among all these variations, selecting the right dress is very difficult. But if you consider the above-mentioned tips, the job of selecting the right designer wedding dress becomes easier.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Most Common Fashion Mistakes By Women

Women are no doubt very cautious about their fashion styles, but in spite of all their efforts, there are some most common Fashion mistakes which most of women makes, while they Dress up. We at TrendyGowns are sharing some Fashion mistakes which most of the women, does. These Fashion style are to be avoided

Fashion Mistake 1:

Depending Too Much on Your Fashion Media:

Most of the women, who wants to be updated with the Latest trend in the Fashion World, got themselves updated with the Source of information like Media. Women buy all fashion Magazine regularly, watch fashion Shows on TV, Watch the award shows, read the news paper, and keep themselves updated with all the online sources. But How can these sources can misguide you about the Fashion.

Well most of these sources like Fashion Magazines, TV programs, about the Fashion, they produces an Virtual affect. All the dresses in these sources are shoot out on the models with professional photography, and also adding some more effects on these images, which causes an imaginary picture in your mind , and you will for sure will say “WOW what a fabulous dress is this one.”By seeing such a model, you will also wish to be look like her.

The problem if you want to buy such dress will be that, it will be very costly, and it will be very difficult for you to afford such a dress.

Another problem which will for sure come, if you somehow manage to buy such dresses is that, you are never going to be looked like a Supermodel after having such a dress also.

Fashion Mistake 2

Loose Fitting of Clothes.

While buying clothes whether it is online or you buy it at nearest showroom, be sure that never buy a Dress, that either is too small, or is too loose. Sometime women buy a dress that looks fabulous but is shorter than their size, thinking in such a way that they will loose weight. Best fitting of clothes is very important; you will look more attractive if your dress is having “BEST Fitting.” No dress which is readymade is perfect, to make this dress perfect. The besy way to get perfect fit to have a tailor alter the garment.

Fashion Mistake 3:

Off season sales dresses and mish-mash of dresses.

Had you analyzed yourself after buying off sale Dresses?

If not then make an analysis now.

Buying up odds and ends on sale doesn’t make any sense. Only sense that can be made by buying off season dresses is that you had save few bugs in your pocket.but had you realized that you are going to wear these dresses after a span of almost a Year, and who knows at that time after one year the dress that you will wear will be in trend, or not. If it’s not in trend and you still wears this dress then you will looks like an odd one.

Buying off sale dresses ends up in having too many dresses with you, but ultimately have nothing one to wear.

Fashion Mistake 4

Traditional Dressing Following:

Well sometime women just Get stuck in a style rut. like sticking with classical and conventional style wisdom for ages. Women when they are growing older stuck to the what was the trendy among their days. The problem is that as we grow older, we become comfortable of we were wearing in our old days. But fashion is such a thing that it will keep on changing all the time.

So you must be keep on updated yourself with the latest trend in the Fashion world.

Fashion Mistake 5

Selection of Your Undergarments:

Celebrities get stuffed and tucked into heavy-duty body trimmers, push-up bras, even sticky tape to look good in designer dresses for the red carpet.

Just think what the right bra or support-top pantyhose could do for you mere mortals.

In addition to gravity-defying bras and body slimmers that eliminate lumps and bumps, there are other tricks of the trade.

These are some most common Fashion Mistakes which most women makes while their Dressing. Avoid these mistakes and looks like a Trendy women.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

latest Trends in The Porm Dresses

Dresses trends are like direction that will always take you to the latest fashion. Dresses trends are like Seasons that always tends to change, so you have to be very particular about what you wears. Following these trends also gives an image of Fashionista. Fashionista is a person who has completely devoted himself to the fashion world,one who is completely aware of current fashion, latest trends in the fashion industry. Women in particular are very Fashionista , and they are always highly interested in the latest trends in the fashion world. Every season , whether it is summers or are cold winters, In every occasion they want to look herself trendy and when it is prom their desire increases by zillion times. Here are mentioned few trends in dresses that will certainly make you princess of the prom.

Short dresses

Latest trend in the Prom is Short Dresses, more short your dress will be more attractive you will be. Short Dresses has been accepted gracefully with pleasure by most of the women all around the world .Short is a hitting style and is greatly admired by all women. Short prom dresses are in great demand in market from last few years. With their great charm and attractive looks these dresses are attracting many women in current scenario. For looking best in prom this is the best style dress. Short Dresses are till knees and comes in various styles, colors, cuts and designs. Thus surely going to make your prom night a blast with a short dress.

Dresses with Bold and Shiny Colors

During the light colors, it’s time to stand out in shiny bright bold color dresses. Light shades are very eye-catching and instantly catch attention. Bright orange, pinks, fuchsia, light blue, purple, lime green, yellow, etc are great choices for this prom. Jazz up your looks in these great color dresses.

Beaded Gowns

If what what dress you can wear in all occasions, it is no doubt a Beaded Gowns.Beaded dresses are like an ace in them and these dresses always looks stunning on every occasion. For wearing on prom they are the best. Beaded Gowns will never go out of style. Such a great charm they possess. Sequins, rhinestones, beads, and jewels enhance appearance greatly. Nothing catches attention like beaded Gowns.

High low hem dresses

High low hem dresses are greatly in rage this year. They are very attractive piece of clothing and give pizzazz look. Likeable part of high low hem dresses is that they are short in front and long at the back, thus fulfill desire to show legs and of train. Go out in them and will find all eyes gazing you. It is a great style dress for making statement in prom.

Red carpet dresses

Everyone likes to be like a celebrity, celebrity Style Dresses had always made ahuge impact on the fashion industry.Celebrity style dresses are also called as Red Carpet dresses,and these dresses are largely making way to enter prom this time. If having any style in your mind seen on ramp shows or anywhere else, just go and get from stores. Online stores are mostly filled with red carpet dresses. Get into diva look this prom with your favourite celebrity style dress.

Dress with trains

Every Girl have dream about her, how will she in a wedding Dress.So your dream since childhood imagining you in wedding dress having train can be accomplished this prom. Now a days prom dresses are now coming along with trains for imparting blandishing look to you. So now is the time to enjoy real flavor of the marital glamour with alluring train dresses. Most amazing part is all length trains can be worn in prom for arresting style.

Sure enough above dresses would have attracted you a lot and lots of imaginations would have started coming in your mind seeing you in different styles. Wear the style suits you the most, your personal taste, comforts you and complements you. These styles are great attracters for this prom season. And more importantly they are trend of this season, thus looked upon more. Catch these latest prom dress looks as prom night rolls only once in a year.